There's an abundance of specialized language, initialisms, or shortened forms in the realm of search engine optimisation (SEO) that advertisers and business owners alike may experience a sense of disorientation and inundation on occasion. This is the reason we devised this practical compilation for you.
Certain initialisms may find utility in the technical or on-site stages of SEO, while others could be linked to the management of your enterprise. It's not obligatory to grasp all of them, but numerous individuals within the SEO sector employ many of these, so possessing a general awareness is advantageous in the event you encounter any of the aforementioned in a report or a blog post entry [pun intended, ;-) ] so please see below!
AI: Artificial intelligence
Alt Tag: Alt Text is a word or a phrase that is inserted as an attribute in HTML to tell search engines and users what the image is.
BR: Bounce rate
ccTLD: Country code top level domain
CF: Citation flow
CMS: Content management system
CR: Conversion rate
CTR: Click-through rate
CTA: Call to action
CWV: Core web vitals
CX: Customer experience
DA: Domain authority
DLR: Deep link ratio
EMD: Exact match domain
EMQ: Exact match query
FTP: File transfer protocol
GA: Google Analytics
GA4: Google Analytics 4
GAIO: Generative AI optimisation
GB: Google business profile
GCS: Google search console
GEO: Generative engine optimisation
GIS: Google image search
GTM: Google tag manager
H1: Heading Level 1 HTML markup
H2: Heading Level 2 HTML markup
H3: Heading Level 3 HTML markup
H4: Heading Level 4 HTML markup
H5: Heading level 5 HTML markup
H6: Heading Level 6 HTML markup
HTML: Hypertext markup language
HTTP: Hypertext transfer protocol
HTTPS: Hypertext transfer protocol secure
IP: Internet protocol
ISP: Internet service providers
KW: Keyword
KD: Keyword density
KWR: Keyword research
LB: Link building
LLM: Large language model optimisation
LPO: Landing page optimisation
LSA: Latent semantic analysis
LSI: Latent semantic indexing
LTKW: Long-tail keyword
ML: Machine learning
MTO: Meta tags optimisation
NAP: Name, address, phone number
PA:Page authority
PR:Press release
PV: Page views
QA: Quality assurance
RD: Referring domains
ROI: Return on investment
RSS: Really simple syndication
SaaS: Software as a service
SDTT: Structured data testing tool
SE: Search engine
SEO: Search engine optimisation
SERP: Search engine results page
SGO: Search generative
SSL: Secure sockets layer
TF: Trust flow
TLD: Top level domain
TLP: Top level page
TR: Trust rank
TTF: Topical trust flow
UA: Universal analytics
URL: Uniform resource locator
UV: Unique visitor
UX: User experience
W3C: World wide web consortium
WOMM: Word of mouth Marketing
WP: WordPress
WWW: World wide web
XHTML: Extensible hypertext markup language
XML: Extensible markup language
YT: YouTube
301: Resource moved permanently
302: Resource moved temporarily
401: Unauthorized access to resource
403: Forbidden access
404: Resource / page not found
503: The server is unavailable
Familiarizing yourself with this useful SEO compilation will position you ahead of the majority of marketers and empower you to engage in more effective dialogues with your supervisor, boss or enhance the performance of your own company.
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