Transforming user engagement and user experiences

Digital transformation is forcing organisations to make changes to the business models they’ve used forever and to adapt to a new marketplace. However, it isn’t the companies themselves that are driving the latest changes. The changes are coming from a need to meet customer demands.

Customers are becoming increasingly connected. They have a multitude of devices and want content that is relevant to everything they do at any time. As a result, they are demanding an unrivalled consumer experience.
Customer expectations have placed tremendous pressure on business leaders to change the way they set their strategies and run their organisations.

Traditional strategies are being left behind as companies of all sizes move toward digital options.
When it comes to new start-ups, the numbers are exceptionally high with 55 percent adopting digital strategies already. Yet, for already established companies, the figures are lower.

Forty-seven percent of organisations have yet to begin a digital transformation process. Time is running out for these firms to remain competitive. After all, digital transformation have the power to transform user experiences and engagement.

Today’s Digital Customer

The latest digital technologies have had a major role to play in transforming consumer habits. Apps, automation, machine learning, and mobile devices give consumers the power they need to obtain their desires. The technologies also cause customer expectations to change.

Modern buyers are now app-native, always connected, and very aware of technology’s capabilities. This means that they often choose companies based on the digital experience they can offer. With digital now coming first, organisations must think again about the ways in which they interact with customers.

Cloud-Based Solutions Are the Answer

It is essential to put the correct technology in place to support customer demands. Companies are now beginning to recognise this. They are realising the advantages of putting customer identity solutions right at the heart of digital transformation.

When identity lies at the very core of digital transformation, it’s possible to gain user insight and to improve security. Cloud-based solutions are the key to meeting customer demands. They can gather first-party consumer data, and they can flow seamlessly in real-time thanks to third-party solutions. Centralised databases manage data security and build up a unified customer profile. All this enables a much better user digital experience.

Offering A Personal Experience

Customers today want more personalisation from their shopping experience. They demand that companies treat them as individuals, as a target audience of one. They want the organisations they do business with to be aware of their purchasing history and preferences.

Three-quarters of all consumers have a greater chance of buying from companies that do the following:

  1. Know their purchasing history.

  2. Recommend products and goods based on previous purchases.

  3. Acknowledges them by name.

In order to achieve these goals, companies must invest in customer relationship management technology. Without this, it is impossible to give customers the personalisation they demand.

CRM systems allow businesses to study and analyse customer data. By evaluating support inquiries, product quotes, and general requests, businesses can learn a lot about their customers. By utilising this data appropriately, they can then offer targeted messages to suit their customers’ preferences. As a result, consumers get the personalisation they require.

A Seamless Experience

Today’s technology lets consumers obtain their desires in the way and at the time they want it. Instant gratification is the gold standard. Customers will no longer tolerate delayed responses to inquiries.

They will not wait until a weekday if they send a question over the weekend. This means a business must maintain on-demand service 24/7. Everything today happens in real-time. Customers are multichannel consumers.

They don’t just shop in-store, they browse online, ask questions via social media, and share feedback on mobile apps.
Companies must, therefore, offer a fully connected multichannel digital experience.

While this is demanding, it allows one digital profile for the customer every time he or she interacts with the business. As a result, it’s possible to obtain one single view of each customer and optimise offers for him or her. This makes the user experience a completely seamless and streamlined one –- precisely what modern customers demand.

The Importance of Digital Transformation

Today’s society is always switched on, always connected, and always moving rapidly. Therefore, implementing digital transformation strategies couldn’t be more vital. By allowing businesses a better opportunity to engage modern buyers, digital transformation enables them to meet customers’ expectations. And, as a result, they will have seamless customer experiences.

Customers will also enjoy greater satisfaction and retain greater loyalty to the brands that they prefer. Meanwhile, companies benefit from increased revenue and more positive customer relations. It’s clear that digital transformation lies at the heart of making any company a success, whatever its sector or size.

The iCentric Agency specialise in advising, developing and supporting digital transformation software solutions for aspiring businesses.

You can read more about our company here and more about our success stories at